Our customers are the reason for our existence, without them Teinnova would not hold the position it does today in the air-conditioning duct cleaning machinery and industrial kitchen smoke and fat extraction systems sectors. The majority of our innovations and developments take place simply as a response to customer needs.
For this reason we would like to both express our thanks to them and open a direct communications channel to Teinnova management so that they can notify us of any requests, complaints or requirements they may have. Just send an email to turkiye@teinnova.net
Teinnova was founded for the purpose of innovating in the technical cleaning sector and 25% of the company’s personnel are deployed in the Research and Development Unit.
We are well aware of the effort that an initial investment in an industrial cleaning business project supposes. The cleaning of industrial kitchen hoods, industrial chimneys, air-conditioning ducts and climate control systems requires a professional and efficient cleaning team.
The good news is that our business model makes it relatively easy for us to ensure that any investments made are passed on to our customers.
Cleaning kitchen smoke extraction and air-conditioning systems is a tedious and difficult task, without a doubt. We know how hard it is to carry out these tasks manually and, for this very reason, the principal objective of Teinnova is to automate them in order to make things easier for operators and save them time and money.